So we tried to give mom and dad a break and go fishing. It’s hard to believe, but I’ve never been fishing without dad right next to me. It was quite difficult cutting worms in half and piercing them through the hooks. (Just thinking about it gives me the shivers!) I’ve also never steered our little fish boat before and everyone on the lake knew I was a first timer. Mom and dad just sat on the shore and laughed and laughed at us as we went in circles or did S shapes all over the lake. I think they were too embarrassed to admit to anyone we were their daughters. The fish mocked us all afternoon! You think I’m kidding when I say there were at least 10 fish jumping within a 10 food radius of out boat, but I’m not! Jackie and I tried every type of fishing gear, tackle and food to get those stupid cold blooded creatures. We tried jakes and spinners and worms (eeewwwww!) and power bait and trolling and casting and everything! Guess how many fish we caught?! NADA! Stupid fish!
We played card games for hours and listened to Harry Potter. (I’m desperately trying to catch up! It’s almost a shame how I’m the only sister in the family who hasn’t finished the series!)
Jackie fixed our tent with the luck of duct tape! (Don’t tell Melissa and Todd about the old fiberglass poles which have started to break and splinter with years of use.) The first night, Jack woke me up at least 10 times to her adjusting and readjusting her sleeping bag and blanket. It wasn’t until morning that I noticed her sleeping bag zipper was broken and she couldn’t zip it up. I made sure the second night she had enough warmth to sleep soundly.
It was a fun trip! I love camping! I love the bright star filled sky, the crisp and frosted morning and the crackle of a morning or evening fire. But most of all, I love the people I go with. Perhaps you can join us next time!